Delve into the mystical folklore of North Lincolnshire with Jon Nash’s adaptation of ‘The Buried Moon.’ This episode brings to life a tale originally collected by Mrs Balfour from a young girl named Bratton, who often heard it from her grandmother. Over the years, various versions of this story have surfaced, including one by Joseph Jacobs in his collection ‘More English Fairy Tales’. Jon Nash presents his unique interpretation of this haunting narrative, weaving a story that connects us to the land and its ancient myths.
About the host
Jon Nash is a writer, theatre maker and storyteller based in Devon. With a deep interest in how stories can connect us to place and the more-than-human world, Jon brings a rich, immersive experience to his storytelling making old tales resonate with contemporary listeners.
Join him as he explores the magic and mystery of ‘The Buried Moon’, a folk tale that has enchanted listeners for generations.